Monday, September 17, 2018

candelabra of moments

so much
               doing   nothing

           doing nothing
nothing doing

ocean blue, the darker blue
shadow of a cloud
underneath that
blue darker than that

without a lover so much beauty
makes a person forlorn
summer fog
mutes the bell of a buoy —
so far away it seems to come from inside
its chime strikes the ache
of human melancholy

redwing blackbirds ride wild mustard
lean into wind, shoulders flare
swing on a hinge of light
impale me with a whistle

a torch in an ancient cave
furled blackness into flame
a Cro-Magnon artist drew
bison on placental walls
fire luffed in the draft
as if spirits attending
his emerging forms
were panting

people passed away
with mammoths
they hunted
                     the paintings

many millennia later
a world war exploded

after that, a couple kids
walking their dog in the woods
saw it fall through leaf-litter into a hole

they retrieved it from what became
The Caves of Lascaux
tourists wonder
who made these paintings
and why

               what do they signify
                                                and the abstract markings
almost mathematical
                                  or letters
some felt an old
heat burn inside
them they hadn’t completely
forgotten that deep
social need

to crawl
into a cave to paint
creatures from in-between

feet without shoes
hum like Huck, sweet
mountain lilac
nests in hair, skin, sage
ocean air, its salty tang
surrounds that voice
harmonize with living wind

a bird inside a Coyote bush
grows quiet as you pass
deeper into the still valley
ocean sounds fade
descend on loaned feet
into a Pleistocene ravine

reach The Wooden Bridge
understand the creek trickling
in its native tongue— red
thimble berries decorate
flimsy leaves waving
on the stream’s breeze

listening to talk
           to listen
wave traveler  

finches flit
bees buzz we walk
of dust, fine as flour, cushions
bare feet

                legs strengthen

              the other side

                                     The Pass of Loose Shale
shards slide and ring
        careful in sharp going
                                             soft beige
yellow     browns
orderly layers
                       of sedimentary rock
                  cutaway hillside
morphed to rock
                               eons ago

cave man
                                under ground    it took light

to see
            appeared in dark
                                          when the torch
went out
                to wait
                             to be altho wuz always
                                                                    hwaele  whale wheel wave


the ridge, the tree
           crushed weeds
where deer slept     full, sky-reflecting blue
ponds         lilies culminate
in eye-hearts . . .

may you solve the riddle
of what caused what we are
to shake off scales for skin
to touch touch

please, fellow beings, shelter yourselves
in nature’s nuptial celebrations
clarify air, sing
above the whispering
black fire crackling
like cellophane beneath our days

so much
               doing       nothing

orange lichens
                                           go black
come back
                   as new
next to others
                        glowing pale green
clouds separate
                            the darker blue
                                                      shadows of clouds
underneath that blue
                                   darker than that
                     that      that      that

solace in that
stickers weeds bugs birds gnats
began to beget before we began
millions of feet walked through millions of years
hand-me down forms we get brand new
trace ocean cliffs
                             into valleys below

so much doing nothing done
                                               being done     done
being       nothing

walk while everyone works, take off
on feet sing to be free
going        barefoot
allows you to be
stunned by a shadow unrolling
a scroll through a field
                                     trees loosen their leaves
let them go
at just the right moment

strip off clothes dive into the lake
lay back under alder limbs
fathom intricate algebra of reflecting facets
flickering like Arabic above

ocean blue, the darker blue
shadow of a cloud
underneath that
blue darker than that

so much doing nothing done
a buck silhouetted above
                                           evening skyline
looks up
               out of shoulder-high grass
still as a branch
                           tossing stars like a sparks
off antlers into space—

may you break the chain
             powder your feet with ancestral dust

feel the wand sow seed syllables
through the Milky Way’s radiant haze

choreograph your dance
into life’s battle stance

so much doing nothing done


  1. Blown Away Brother - breathless - can't keep up with the tumult, tumble, cascade of images, images, images. I want to unfurl my brushes and paints and translate the words into pictures. Don't stop - just want to keep pouring golden syrup from page to painting. Thank you Gene

    1. Okay, Jenny, get those brushes out and start the translation! Sounds like a group project! :)


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